Treaty of Versailles Causes

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During the Paris Peace conference of 1919, the Treaty of Versailles was created as a peace treaty to end WW1 and prevent future conflict with Germany. From the beginning the Big Three had different opinions as to how Germany should be treated. It can be argued that the treaty of Versailles was too harsh on Germany and therefore caused embitterment within Germany, which ultimately lead to the public supporting Hitler who through propaganda convinced the public that he would undo the terms of the treaty. After the horrors of World War 1, the people of Europe wanted to retain peace in Europe. The big three at the Paris Peace Conference; Clemenceau, Lloyd George and Woodrow Wilson, had different opinions as to how Germany should be treated and how peace would be returned to Europe. Georges Clemenceau the French prime minister wanted to crush Germany with un-repayable reparations to prevent any future threat from Germany, his opinion reflected the French public as the western front had torn through France. David Lloyd George, the prime minister of Britain wanted revenge but to a lesser degree than Clemenceau as he wanted to retain Germany as a future trading partner. Woodrow Wilson the president of the United States wanted to implement his fourteen points and wanted to rebuild Germany as trading partner for America. Woodrow Wilson’s idealist opinion was due to the United States late entry into the First World War, and thus the United States had emerged profitably from the war. The Treaty seemed to satisfy the "Big Three" as in their eyes it was a just peace as it kept Germany weak yet strong enough to stop the spread of communism; kept the French border with Germany safe from another German attack and created the organization, the League of Nations that would end warfare throughout the world. However if left Germany angry about the Treaty making them feel that they
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