Treating Criminals To Reduce Recidivism

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Categorically Treating Criminals to Reduce Recitivism By Paul M. Spaulding Jail Operations November 12, 2010 Statement of Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore the nature of recidivism and portray a jail program that might reduce its rate. With the benefit of research conducted through analyzing studies and statistics, interviewing those who work within the criminal justice system, as well as personal observations, this paper will outline the details and nuances of such a jail program. More specifically, this paper will demonstrate the necessity of adult correctional treatment as an instrument to reduce the rate of recidivism and successfully reintegrate former offenders back into the community. Summary Page Through researching the semantics and nuances of penology, there would seem to be several promising methods to reduce recidivism and aid the reentry of offenders back into the community successfully. A thorough and detailed process of classification is key to not only housing offenders in appropriate locations, but also determining what sort of counseling or programs available might best serve the individual offender’s potential for rehabilitation. Educational programs, drug and alcohol treatment, and vocational training are all effective methods to reduce recidivism. However, the individual offender must be willing and receptive in order to benefit from these resources, and many are not. In order to engage and motivate offenders to participate in these programs, there is substantial evidence that suggests that compassionate and attentive jail staff, counselors, and program leaders can be most helpful. More specifically, staff members and counselors who are compassionate and attentive to the individual offender and their circumstances have a greater likelihood of motivating offenders to open up to available resources with which

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