Tray Dryer Investigation

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Objective of Experimentation To demonstrate various drying periods by drying rate curves for a wet solid being dried with air at fixed temperature and humidity. This work is a set of experiments Experiment # 02, 03,04,05,06 in which we have undergone drying at different drying rates and material at different value of fan speed and heating load. ABSTRACT In this experiment, we use tray dryers to dry the wet sample. We choose sand as our sample because we believe that it requires short drying time, and the moisture content will decrease faster with time. The measurement of the moisture content is based on the weight of the sample which inversely proportional with the temperature & time. Thus, we can determine the drying rate of the sample. Based on the data from the experiment, the mass and moisture content is decreasing with time, whereas the drying rate is varying rapidly with time. INTRODUCTION Drying is the process of thermally removing volatile substances (e.g., moisture) to yield a solid product. Mechanical methods for separating a liquid from a solid are not considered in thermal drying. When a wet solid is subjected to thermal drying, two processes occur simultaneously; First is the transfer of energy, mostly as heat from the surrounding environment to evaporate the surface moisture, Second is the transfer of internal moisture to the surface of the solid and its subsequent evaporation due to the first process. Several types of dryers are used in different fields and specialties. The common type of dryer in many industrial applications that involve drying operation is tray dryers (or cabinet dryers). The dryers are made of trays held in a cabinet, which is connected to a source of heated air by gas, diesel or biomass. The food, which is to be dried, is spread out, generally quite thinly, on trays which the drying takes place. Heating may be by an

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