Traveling To Europe

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Traveling to Europe I was just a little girl and I always dreamed about going out, exploring new things and new cities. I was looking the map, twirling the globe in my mind, and trying to find a place to explore. I see lands and seas and I feel relaxed just by looking those. I am having fun right now I do not need to go anywhere. Then I “wake up” I am at home in the front of the map and the best thing now is that I have to pick a place to go and I thought “Europe”. Traveling to Europe can be fun and exiting. With its many cultures and background, the traveler can find countries with rich history, architecture, art and intellectuals minds of the past. With the most famous cities in the world like Greece, Italy, France, Spain and Germany. If you like, the beach Greece is your choice. The islands in different shape with a wonderful landscape. Greece is the country of a great interests and diverse cultures, influenced by its location between the east and the west and by the many occupations entered by the Greek people throughout history. Greeks are proud of their cultures; they speak of it with intense passion feeling that their culture is a definition of their national and ethnic belongings. Part of the allure of Italy and Italian culture is the sense of timelessness. Rome is the eternal city where the ancient rubs shoulders with the present Venice serenely passes the centuries amid it slowly sinking palazzi. The art and the renaissance are still alive and visible in Florence wile Vatican City is as vibrant as the day Michelangelo’s paint dried. Then going to France another “big world” Eiffel towel and the “city of love” everyone will be in love in France. In love with someone and in love with the city. France has a rich and diverse culture known for its richness in art, music, language, cuisine and of course fashion. France is home to people with
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