Since the Civil War ended in the late 1800’s, many inventions and innovations started to skyrocket in production, which led to what is now called the Industrial Revolution. This revolution really made an impact on how the people of America lived. Faster transportation, like the railroads and locomotives, made it easier for settlers to move out west where a lot of the industry work started. Inventions also made a huge impact on how people lived and made their daily lives easier. Some of these inventions were electricity, the sewing machine, the telephone, and the Model T Ford.
Slavery and population had a big affect on the next 100 years of the United States history. The US also changed diversely with new innovations like roads, waterways, railroads, steamboats, and refrigerated railroad cars. A few new innovations that changed or improved from 1776 to 1870 are the roadways, waterways, railroads, steamboats, and refrigerated railroad cars. Roadways were an innovation that created a way for easier, and faster transportation. Waterways were also a way for transportation, to cut out a lot of land, and cut out time.
Chapter 22: The Early Industrial Revolution 1760- 1851 I. Causes of the Industrial revolution i. Population Growth * Many factors caused the increase in population growth, some including, reliable food supplies, high birthrates and immunity to diseases * Children were the majority of the population * Migration also allowed population growth; people move from the country side to the cities * Industrial Revolution: The Industrial Revolution was the transition to new manufacturing processes that occurred in the period from about 1760 to sometime between 1820 and 1840. ii. Agricultural Revolution * Agriculture Revolution: The agricultural revolution was a period of agricultural development between the 18th century and the end of the 19th century, which saw a massive and rapid increase in agricultural production * It began before the 18th century .Farmers increased agricultural production, milk production, and the addition of new crops * Many wealthy landowners invested in new farming techniques and new crops * The wealthy secluded their lands to apply new methods on their farm crops iii. Trade and Inventiveness * Demands for goods increased in Europe * Population growth and agricultural production increase were added to the growth and trade and technology demands * Eli Whitney and John Hall invented the machine tools that were capable of making other machines * Benjamin Franklin and others experimented with electricity iv.
Whereas the towns in Medieval Europe emerged around the 1000s A.D, Some countries around the world like America saw this event and improvement happen much later. But was the rise of towns in America much different from the one in Medieval Europe? In this essay we will compare the process of the emergence of towns in Medieval Europe and in America. We will examine how it occurred and why it happened. Firstly, the advancement of technology was a big step in rise of towns.
This newly connected railroad would now allow a person to journey between San Francisco and New York in just days, before this similar journey could take up to six months. The completion on the transcontinental railroad not only gave people a faster way of travelling, it also gave them a more comfortable, pleasant experience. The railroad also allowed for the faster transportation of heavy or specialized equipment, these things could be received in weeks rather than months. Although the railroad was meant to bring the country together by uniting the railroads from coast to coast, the country faced other challenges that were not
What was the key invention that helped America chug ahead in the industrial race around the world? The railway system ignited many other inventions in the last third of the nineteenth century, and helped America grow into the strong industrial nation it is today. The railway system helped “the movement of settlers further and further west accompanied by technological advances led to the major growth of cities and industries across the American frontier,” (Transportation and the Expansion of America). Railroads improved how we communicated as a nation, and helped us transform our economy for a regional agrarian economy to a national industrial economic superpower. The communication in America increased immensely due to the growth of the railways.
Along with new farmers came new products that the United States (US) could ship out to other countries as a profit. While farmers were moving West and gaining more land, they soon figured out that they needed a quick and easy way to transport their goods back east for sale. Shortly after, the invention of steam boats, rail roads, and thoughts of canals came into play. Canals allowed products to be shipped to the
Why was the right to vote give to more and more people between 1867 and 1918? In 1867 Britain wasn't a very democratic country. There were many reasons for why Britain became more democratic during the 19th and early 20th centuries. With each reform the franchise was slightly increased. Looking back we can see that this was due to a lot of different pressures.
With this new system, it leads to faster ways of transportation of goods, travel, and deliveries. This eliminated the way of the canal transportation. By 1931, Camden and Amboy Railroad lines became an invaluable part of the American physical as well as commercial landscape. Before the railroad, transportation before would have been through way of the canal, as well as pack mules and horse and buggies. They inadvertently replaced the canals making travel time much faster.
By doing so, the furthest reaches of the world were brought to light and the world was slowly pulled together. Once the 1800s hit however, Globalization 2.0 took over. Multinational companies were beginning to form and with this came industrial integration. These companies were constantly in search of new outlets for markets, ideas, or even laborers. Because of new technology, such as railroads and steam engines, transportation became a more available option, this jump started globalization 2.0.