Translation of Brand Names

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Introduction With the increasing globalization of the world economy, brand advertisements come to play a more and more important role for manufacturers to promote their products in the world market. As we all know, good brand names are the best advertisements for commodities. An effective brand name can promote the brand development process and enhance the perceived value of a product. “Coca Cola” is a very famous brand all over the world, it appeared at the top of International brand's list of the"100 Best Global Brands" in the year 2006, with an estimated value of $70 billion. Closely behind in the number two spots was Microsoft, with an estimated brand value of $65 billion. With the development of the global economy, the competition of international market is becoming extremely fierce. In order to have a stable position in the global economic market, Chinese producers have to build up the awareness of its own brand names. Therefore, all translators, in order to finish tasks well, have to establish a set of proper concept of translation, to master correct skills of translation, to be familiar with the cultures of foreign countries, and to be directly acquainted with various customs and faiths. This paper will point out some approaches used in translating brand names, in combination with the successful cases, to figure out some basic translating methods used and common mistakes occurring in advertising translation. I. Principles of trade mark translation A good brand name translation lies in the fact that the name of the product is conducive to the promoting of the product, the enhancing of its fame and competitiveness as well as the cracking down of the counterfeits. It is obvious that translation of foreign brand names worth further studying for it is not only the original brand name that matters but also its translation. In the following part of the

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