Transformations In The Atlantic

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Western Europe, Africa and the Americas underwent major changes due to the contact with the Atlantic world. These changes occurred from 1492 until 1750 and affected these areas socially and economically. New products and ideas were introduced into the world of trade. Lasting connections would also be made during this period. Western Europe experienced the largest amount of changes because the main countries that were becoming involved in international trade were located here. These countries include England, Spain, and Portugal. After contact had first been made with people on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, the first stock exchange was set up in 1538, which represented a steady economy and businesses that could be trusted to continue success within the companies. Along with the new businesses and technology, through international trade, new products were introduced to Europe such as tobacco and potatoes. Companies that focused on trade were also introduced, such as the Dutch, English, and French East India companies. These trading focused companies were found toward the beginning of the 17th century. Around 1625, Portugal declared independence from Spain. Nearly a hundred years later, in 1702 the war of Spanish Succession began. This would mark the start of problems between mother countries and their colonies. Western Europe covers a vast amount of countries and their cultures. They were able to send out and receive many cultural changing products. Africa was a major tool as a port and mine within international trade. In 1505, Portugal established trade posts in East Africa. At these posts, products such as sugar, gold and even slaves were exchanged. The largest post for Sub-Saharan trade of gold and slaves happened to be located in North Africa. Africa lost what they had left of their independence in trade when the Dutch captured the
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