As soon as he is dead I will unite all of the Huns under my leadership and become the Absolute ruler I was destined to be (Dyson 282-283). Ante Dium XVI Kalendae Augustus 445 A.D Last night I killed my cousin and became the absolute ruler of the Huns. Today I plan to gather all of the Huns to prepare for an invasion. We plan on raiding Rome, invading the land of the Ostrogoths and the Visigoths. We will only bring the bare essentials(our horses, clothes, some food and maybe a sword or an axe.
By the time of Julius Caesar's dictatorship and subsequent assassination at the hands of the Senate, the Roman Republic was in a virtual free-fall of corruption and struggle for power. The Roman people were tired of the turmoil brought on by decades of war and needed a leader that could and would restore peace, order, and prosperity. Nonetheless, thirteen years of civil war followed Caesar's assassination and during this time Octavian, the grand-nephew and heir of Caesar, came into his sizable inheritance. He entered into a military-dictatorship (the Second Triumvirate) of Rome with supporters of his late great-uncle, was given a senate seat, and was elected consul and granted imperium, all before the age of twenty. Before he was 32 years
This angers the son of Marcus Aurelius, known as Commodus who then kills his own father and becomes the Emperor of Rome. Commodus then seeks the allegiance of Maximus who refuses due to the murder of Marcus Aurelius. Enraged with Maximus, the new Emperor Commodus then orders the killing of Maximus’s wife and young child. Maximus somehow manages to escape the same unfortunate fate of his family but is eventually located by a group of slave traders and eventually sold to a gladiator trainer of sorts known as Antonius. This is where Maximus begins his careers as a gladiator.
Malek trains Joss in learning how to track vampires and while Joss is training to stay awake for 3 days he falls asleep. After Joss awakes he follows a blood trail finding Malek's body ripped to shreds by a vampire. Kat is Joss's best friend/girlfriend who he met while he was at the train station she was being hunted down by a vampire. Kat knows more than she lets on she knows that where she is a vampire slayer training camp. Sirus is Kat's father who is the care taker of the vampire camp.
The story of Romans founding is truly a remarkable legend of two young boys being raised by a shewolf, they were named Romulus and Remus . Romulus gave in greed and killed his brother and became of this he is now the sole aire to the city of Rome, this the begin of the Roman monarchical government . The first centuries of Roman history where ruled by a succession of seven kings .The Gauls destroy all of the history document when thy sacked the city after the Battle of Allia ,so no contemporary records of the kingdom exist therefore all the accounts of the kings must be questioned .This leads us to the story “The Rape of Lucretia “. The story is about a noble woman who was rape ,hence the title of the story ,Tarquinius the proud and how his son Sextus rapes her , she was so broken hearted that she killed herself .Her husband makes as vow “I swear with sword , fire and whatever will lend my arm strength , I will purse Tarquinius the proud , his wicked wife ,and his children , an no one will ever be
This was the first engagement of the French in this war. Later Washington was defeated by the French and Fort Duquesne was taken again by the French. In the 1755 war was escalating and Major General Edward Braddock was sent to America as Commander-in-Chief of the British Forces. Braddock had plans to capture Fort Duquesne and leading his troops to Virginia. Braddock made contact with the French just 10 miles of Fort Duquesne, where they were defeated by the French.
After Julius Caesar was murdered, Augustus became his heir and raised an army to challenge Mark Antony who had taken control after Julius Caesars death. In 43 B.C. Antony was defeated and Augustus seized military power over Rome. For the following thirteen years Antony and Augustus had battles until 30 B.C. when Antony killed himself.
Once Marc Antony saw her leaving, he chased her, leaving his navy alone. His navy was defeated once he left, leaving Octavian and what was left of his Navy to come kill Cleopatra and Marc Antony. They both, however, committed suicide before he could get there. After Octavian won the war, he became the Emperor of Rome. Once Octavian came to power, the Pax Romana began.
Chaos was created following the assassination of Julius Caesar. a struggle for power stood between Caesar’s first lieutenant Mark Anthony, and his grandnephew and adopted son Octavian. The struggles between the two were solved at Actium in 31 BCE. Here, Octavian’s navy routed the combined forces between Anthony and Queen Cleopatra. She desired the power to govern Rome’s empire, and to govern a vast Roman world-state.
Antoine Williams Professor Stamper Humanities 1301 Tuesday, March 26, 2013 Roman Emperors A hail of bullets to take over, and become leader! The Triumvirate of Octavian, Lepidus, and mark Antony ruled Rome after the defeat of the conspirators that had assassinated Julius Caesar. In which now that he is dead, now we know leader of Rome to be Augustus Caesar. See these thought that if they kill Julius that they would be able to run Rome little did they know they were in for an upset. Why, due to there being a legal heir to the throne of Rome.