Tormoil In Nature: Macbeth

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While King Duncan was peaceful asleep in his chamber he was brutally stabbed to death by one of his most trusted friends: Macbeth. This horrible sadistic event, rung in chain reactions of chaos throughout nature. Life as we know it is set up on a delicate chain, each depending on each other and each ruling over the one below it. The chain is as goes: god, then angles, man, animals, plants, and finally minerals such as gold and lead. Kings are higher on the chain that an everyday common man so when a common man kills a king the chain falls apart as turmoil infests nature. It all starts with Macbeth and her overwhelming aspirations to become queen. She calls upon the spirits to: “…unsex me…make thick my blood, stop up th’ access and passage to remorse, that no compunctious visiting of nature…” With that very quote you see turmoil starting to brew because by nature women are caring and filled with emotion. Here she is asking the spirits to “unsex” her, to make her more like a man so she is unable to care about the evil plan to convince her husband to kill King Duncan. You can tell that in the beginning Macbeth never wanted to kill Duncan; in act I witches come about and tell a prophesy that Macbeth will rule over Scotland, which puts the thought of killing Duncan in his head. “Whose horrid image doth unfix my hair and make my seated heart knock at my ribs, against the use of nature?,” in other words, he’s asking himself why he’s thinking of murdering Duncan when it makes his hair stand on end and his heart pound inside his chest, obviously he’s uncomfortable with the thought. Lady Macbeth does succeed in convincing him to kill King Duncan by calling him a coward saying he’s not a real man. Finally Macbeth cracks and goes through with it. After the sickening deed of murder had been completed, the next morning Lennox and Macduff, who had been called upon the king to
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