Too Drill Or Not To Drill Essay

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To Drill Or Not To Drill Bridgette Rodriguez Hum/114 Critical Thinking and Creative Problem Solving June 11, 2012 Dr. Bill Thallemer Too Drill or Not to Drill? Offshore drilling in the United States is not an option to rectify long-term energy concerns in the United States due to environmental and health concerns. Offshore drilling is still needed in our energy plan for the future in a dissipating manner over the course of the next few decades. The advantages of renewable energy sources, which are natural sources such as wind, waves and solar energy, prove to be the long-term solution for our health and environment. Solar energy benefits outpace the concerns of drilling by a landslide. The time has come to put the drill aside and use are natural tools to energize our country. Coal, oil, and natural gas are the primary non-renewable energy sources being utilized in the United States today. These resources, also known as fossil fuels, are damaging the natural environment that we live in carrying great consequence. According to Klare (2010) “It may not seem as if we operate under such a philosophy today, but we do—one that extols growth over all other considerations, that privileges existing fuels over…show more content…
The supply of solar energy demeans the supply of fossil fuels when compared. The unlimited supply does not pose the same destructive effects to the environment and health. Solar energy, according to Klare (2010) “is clean, green, safe and smart” (p. 12). Solar energy provides efficiencies because it does not need the current volume of resources needed today to generate power. The predominant draw back to relying on solar power it that it will take a dedicated plan over 40 years to complete. This supports the fact that some drilling will have to continue to transition us into the solar energy

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