Toastmasters Basic Speech 7

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The truth about lying To be honest, I am a liar. Do you think Im telling the truth? The answer my fellow toastmasters and friends, lies in the statement itself. I am an honest liar. Since I still feel like most of you here are confused whether I was lying or not, tonight I will tell you the truth about lying. I believe all of us here have lied before. Whether to our boss, colleagues, parents, friends, or partner. To confirm that, Please raise your hand for those of you who have experienced lying. Thank you for your honesty, my fellow honest liars! And for those of you who did not raise your hand, you are lying to me. Eveyone has experienced lying even the most innocent of people. In fact, says In average, 1 person tells an average of 3-9 lies per day. Dont worry, especially to those who didnt raise their hands, you are still a normal person. Because I was very curious about why we lie, I thought about the times I lied, especially those recurring ones and tried analyzing my reasons. After my self reflection, I have come up with the 3 most likely reasons for lying. This is the truth about lying. 1st of all, we lie to save face.Accdg to real simple magazine, lies like this would sound like: Im sorry I didnt get the invitation" or "I swear I didnt do it". We tell lies like that for self preservation or so we wont look bad. You can just end up apologizing no matter how bad it will make you look, but at least you'll get it off your chest.I remember when I was in the 2nd grade and I got a 67/100 score in my Filipino. I lied to my mom about passing and she ended up finding out. She was even more disappointed bec. I lied not bec. i failed. Had I told her the truth and just apologized, she would continue trusting me more when it comes to my grades. Moving on, we also lie for convenience. If you think many people are fooled by the words "I
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