To What Extent Was the ‘West’ Responsible for the Creation of the State of Israel?

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To what extent was the ‘West’ responsible for the creation of the state of Israel? This debate can go back to 70AD to when the Romans controlled Israel however this timescale is unrealistic and impractical to cover, so I will begin in 1917 at the Balfour Declaration which marks the promise of a Jewish homeland in Palestine by the British and use May 1948 when the state was officially created as the creation of the State of Israel. So to what extent was the ‘West’ responsible? Firstly, to define ‘West’ as the UK, USA, UN, and possibly Germany and Russia after WW2. Well the most important contributing factor the ‘West’ made was, I believe, the support and sympathy shown to the Jews. Between 1919 and 1948 they had support from the British in the Balfour Declaration, the USA in the Biltmore Declaration, the UN in the vote to accept the recommendations made by the UNSCOP report and after the war and Holocaust the sympathy of most of the world as well as the guilt support from Germany. Without this support the Jews would have never been able to create a homeland and eventually a State of Israel. However this support was never usually given because the supporter believed in the Jewish cause but because they gained something from it. For example the British wanted America to join the war so made the Balfour Declaration in the hope the American Jews would influence the USA’s decision. Whenever the supporter began to waver from the path the Jews wanted them to take or a greater power came into being then they would switch allegiances and persuade the new power to support the Jewish cause. So perhaps the ‘West’ cannot be entirely blamed on this front as the Jews are highly manipulative and have lots to offer in return for support. Another factor although not, I believe, as important is Britain’s inability to satisfy both the Arabs and the Jews in Palestine as well as
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