Clemenceau resented Wilson’s generous attitude towards Germany and Lloyd George’s desire to not treat Germany too harshly. He said “if they British are so anxious to appease Germany they should look overseas and make colonial, naval or commercial concessions”. These disagreements left the big three unsatisfied and ultimately left them with a weak mere shadow of a perhaps great treaty due to their own arrogance and. It contained many faults and weaknesses. The treaty of Versailles greatly humiliated Germany forcing it to accept soul responsibility for the war.
“Complacent and ultimately harmful to British Interests” How far do you agree with this opinion of GB foreign policy in years 1925-1929? Between the years 1925-1929 British concerns on foreign policy were primarily on the basis of preserving peace and easing the Franco-Germany tensions, defence of Britain, maintaining the status quo, and healing the economy. The terrible losses of the First World War made both politicians and public recoil from the prospect of another war. Thus, Britain seemed to have everything to lose and nothing to gain from a major war, therefore the emphasis on preserving peace were made quite clearly throughout foreign policy as well as compromise, conciliation and concession to prevent any aggression. However some historians would say that Britain was too complacent when it came to foreign policy, and as soon as they believed they had reached satisfactory targets, they wouldn’t go any further, and so risk harming British interests.
This treaty placed blame solely on Germany resulting in loss of the Rhineland, also Germany had to demilitarize and pay back billions to allies as part of war reparations[1]. This push by the Allied powers left Germany defeated but not destroyed as this loss offered a starting point for a political push away from the imperial government of the past to a new republic as Germans began to revolt. Named the Weimar Republic, the new government in place was incapable of dealing with the complex problems via the Treaty of Versailles. Hyperinflation and political revolts began to affect the country. The sanctions of the treaty placed Germany was in dismay, this offered neighboring European countries the ability to take advantage of Germany.
July 29, 1914 Russia orders full mobilization of its troops. August 1, 1914 Germany declares war on Russia. August 2, 1914 Germany demands Belgium declare access to German troops. 1914-1915 illusions and stalemates: many Europeans were exited about the war-”defend yourself against the aggressors”. Domestic differences were put aside.
The wars that occurred did bring change but were not the only causes of change. World War One bought the most transformation as it ended Tsarist rule and contributed to the failings of the provisional government. The Crimean war and the Russo-Japanese war both bought significant changes but acted as more of a catalyst to the developments rather than being the sole cause. Furthermore the wars that were won often bought very little change to Russia such as the Russo-Turkish war. Additionally there were developments that occurred without war, which illustrates that involvement in war was not the only cause for change.
Decline and Fall of the Romanovs Why did Russia enter World War 1? Russia entered World War One for many reasons. One was to come to the defence of its ally Serbia after it was attacked by Austria-Hungary because of an assasination believed to have been commited by Serbia. Another reason was when Germany declared War on the 1st of August 1914 for mobilizing its troops the day beforehand. The final reason was Russia’s involment in the Triple Entente, an loose agreement between Russia, France and the United Kingdom .
Also Austria-Hungary’s king and family visited Sarajevo- Bosnia was assassinated by conspirator Gavrilo Princip Austria striked back in revenge. But the most important came from countries distrust for one another because it led the Great powers of Europe-Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy, Britain, France, and Russia signed treaties pledging to defend one another. These alliances were intended to promote peace by promoting powerful combinations that no one would dare to attack. But 2 huge alliances emerged in the end. France longed to avenge its defeat in Franco-Prussian War, Bismarck signed treaties with other powered thinking they wouldn’t attack Germany alone.
World War 1 was a ticking time bomb waiting to happen. Countries throughout Europe had agreements of consolidated alliances which would pull European countries into battle. Therefore, if one country were to attack another, a domino like effect would come into play and the allied countries were bound to defend the attacked country. Since Austria-Hungary decided to declare war on Serbia for the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, Russia was bound to join the war because of cultural ties and alliances with Serbia. Germany saw that Russia was starting to mobilize troops so Germany decided to declare on Russia which leads to France joining the war because of being drawn against Germany.
Communism and capitalism was not really a big issue, the big issue was the Axis Powers. Conflicts started escalate when Germany was defeated. Germany was unified among the allies after the war but there were two distinct groups. Russia wanted control over Germany because they suffered the most out of anyone and they were the main reason the Nazis were defeated. They feared of a future German invasion.
The treaty was not the only reason for the failure of the Weimar Republic, issues such as the period time and the great depression contributed to this also. To state the treaty of Versailles was the only significant factor is difficult, as no single factor contributed to the rise of the Nazi party and eventual fall of Germany. The Treaty of Versailles stated that Germany was to loose essential territory to various victors of World War One. The most significant being loosing Alsace and Lorraine to France. The treaty added to Germany losing six million inhabitants and essential resources that contributed to their exports and in turn the economy.