Hitler's “voice rose victorious over falterings, his eyes blazed with conviction, his whole body become an instrument of rude eloquence” (Binchy). Hitler’s whole demeanor changed when he was giving influential speeches. Some German citizens had difficulty understanding Hitler when he spoke quickly and eloquently. Because his language and level of education was similar to the German public, his speeches were similar, people could understand him. He connected with the audience by keeping them engaged.
Speer had substantial power and was also said to be the second most powerful man in the Third Reich after Hitler. His contribution were significant and included the possibility of prolonging Germany's defence as Minister for Armaments and Munitions, as consequently due to that it allowed the continuation of the racial policies, also using his architectural ability to endorse Nazism and nationalism, being given the chance to build ˜Germania' and whose designs of the Olympics gained recognition for Germany
The arrival of Röhm was an important development as he had access to the army political fund and was able to transfer some of the money into the GWP. The German Worker's Party used some of this money to advertise their meetings. Adolf Hitler was often the main speaker and it was during this period that he developed the techniques that made him into such a persuasive orator. Hitler's reputation as an orator grew and it soon became clear that he was the main reason why people were joining the party. This gave Hitler tremendous power within the organization as they knew they could not afford to lose him.
His powerful speech was influential and enabled the German public to feel more optimistic within the war as well as regime. Another reason why the Nazis proclaimed to total war was because Hitler was keen on establishing Germany as a strong nation. The defeats
Albert Speer wasn’t any ordinary citizen, he was smart and sophisticated. He knew that he may need employment in the future and he knew the Nazi party may have been a path. However, Speer announced that he joined because of “fear of communism, fascination for Hitler and rejection of the Treaty of Versailles”. Speer joining the Nazi Party was a significant event in his personality becoming prominent to history because this event led to further events in which made his prominence progress. Speer’s appointment as Architect of the Third Reich contributed greatly to his rise in prominence.
Exhibition halls were very popular with the public, especially as they could be accessed by people from all classes in society. Empire was always portrayed in a heroic light; as spreading Christianity and bringing the uncivilised world into the modern world. This positive portrayal of Empire greatly increased its popularity, because the British public liked to think that they were doing good in the world, and that there was a good reason for imperialism. The increase in those who could read contributed to this, as books on Empire were numerous. For example, The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling became famous, and is still very famous to this day.
When Hitler and the Nazis achieved absolute power by early August 1934, their main goals were to Nazify the German people, improve the economy (with their National Socialistic ideals), and overall maintain absolute power within Germany, while pursuing their radical ideologies. These goals were to be achieved through Hitler’s domestic policies. In order to Nazify every single person, the Nazis infiltrated every aspect of society as many ways as possible. Propaganda was used to persuade people into accepting and/or following Nazi ideals, which would be achieved through all types of media. The radio was a particularly effective device due to the fact that it was already a big source of entertainment.
I chose this speech for its significance in history, as well as its influence on Nixon’s political standing at the time. He was a very powerful public speaker, as well as running mate and Vice President for Dwight Eisenhower. Nixon makes very powerful points though out his entire speech to show that he is in the right, and the charges against him and his party are being wrongfully made. Nixon’s greatest quality as a public speaker is his ability to sway the crowd with his charisma, and sincerity. His speech reached the people, and made them listen.
Culture traveled along the road, and religions like Buddhism and Christianity came about. Octavian knew what the people of Rome wanted, and became a successful ruler as a result of giving them what they wanted. He communicated well with them, and became one of the most popular Roman rulers ever. All of these rulers and empires attempted to deal with the problems that came about from trying to manage a civilization. Some were extremely successful, and others not so much.
Having leadership skills is what makes a good leader a great leader. In the terms of Churchill his leadership skills were led by his charismatic resolutions lead to increased political focus that help lead him to war time peacemaking. In terms of being a good manager his ability to lead during a turmoil time brings his management skills to question. Having the ability to manage an entire country through the biggest world war and his ability to us his leadership skills in doing so was a