How successful was Bismarck in his attempts to control the political parties in Germany in the years 1871-90? • Bismarck’s attempts to control political parties from 1871-90 was moderately successful since he often did manage to pass legislature on his own terms by securing an alliance with the National Liberals with the 1871 Kulturkampf and the Conservative with the 1879 Tariff Reforms. Though his repressive policies of Kulturkampf and the 1878 Anti-Socialist laws actually strengthened the political parties of Catholic Centre Party and the SPD, I believe that Bismarck did successfully maintain control by forming new alliances as a result you would serve to distinguish any burgeoning threats. Yes, Bismarck was successful during his liberal era of 1871-78 • Bismarck was initially successful in his alliance with the National Liberals since he capitalised upon the nationalist elements of their party. • This meant they often backed his proposals – e.g.
They were beginning to doubt that Germany had any pride left. Historian R.Landau writes in his book (The Nazi Holocaust) that the ‘Nazi party was appealing’. This demonstrates that Hitler and the Nazis were a modern and plausible option for the public. Many of the middle class and other highly regarded sections of society were also drawn to the Nazi’s. Therefore, strengthening Landau’s view and the above argument that Hitler became leader of Germany as he was leader of the most popular parties.
'Popular Support For Hitler Was the Most Important Reason Why he Became Chancellor In January 1993' How Far do You Agree With This Statement? Hitler became Chancellor in January 1933, I believe that it the statement is partially true, Hitler was a clever man and with the aid of Joseph Goebbels he released many campaigns and propaganda throughout Germany spreading the Nazi's message and image getting people to vote for them. Not only that but with the Nazi's policies which some of them were aimed at particular groups like the nationalists or old age citizens, this too gained support. However it wasn't just popular support which got Hitler into power, the two previous chancellors in the Reichstag who were voted off helped as Hindenburg had no option but to make Hitler into the new Chancellor. My first point is how Goebbels used propaganda to aid Hitler.
This gave him a chance to gain a Nazi majority in the Reichstag. His new position meant that he was exposed to new resources. His Nazi party campaign in March 1933 was very similar to previous elections. However he now had the resources of state media and control of the streets. He could also rely of power from the Reichstag as Chancellor.
Plan; To what extent was Germany a parliamentary democracy in the years 1900-14? Agree It practiced universal male suffrage for those over 25 years old who voted for the Reichstag. Done through use of secret ballot so people could cast their votes without fear of being persecuted for their choice. The people voted for the Reichstag, and the Reichstag had the power to pass an annual budget, and it had control over the defence budget. Although the Kaiser could dissolve the Reichstag, it couldn’t be dismissed indefinitely and had the right to hold elections straight after dissolution.
In the years 1829-37 president Andrew Jackson arguably increased democracy in America and therefore to an extend democratised American politics as Andrew Jackson was elected with a greater franchise than ever before which increases legitimacy, which is the basis of a democracy, together with the fact that he introduced a spoil system which also legitimised his presidency. Moreover, Andrew Jackson’s use of his federal power in fact also increased his legitimacy as he became more representative which therefore suggests that Andrew Jackson did in fact democratise the country however, on the other hand it is arguable that Andrew Jackson didn’t democratise in favour of all Americans and in fact reduced democracy for minorities such as the Indians and women. Andrew Jackson, in 1824 received a greater number of votes than any other president before his time which increased his legitimacy greatly and therefore Andrew Jackson started his term on strong democratic platform. During and after the election, Jackson pledged that he would open up the political system through a series of Constitutional amendments to increase the direct political power of the electorate. He proposed the elimination of the Electoral College and the direct popular election of the president.
Though it wasn't the only key element in the maintenance of power, Nazi Government also used other factors including; fear and the success Hitler turning Germany socio-economy around. Joseph Goebbels' Propaganda Ministry controlled newspapers, radio and film in Germany. And their control was furthered extended into music, theatre, literature, art, architecture and sports when the Reich Chamber of Culture was established in his ministry. It was through his control of the media he was able to produce different mediums of propaganda and convey Nazi Ideology. These views included, anti-Semitism, anti-Communism and racial purity, while also enhancing Hitler's image (otherwise known as the fuehrer myth), and make the Volksgemeinschaft more appealing.
But the basics of their philosophies were the same. The Jacksonian Democracy during 1820s to the 1840s was the way America was ran by President Thomas Jefferson. Being a former common man, Jefferson gave more power to those in his former position and limited the power of the aristocracies which created a balance. Jackson believed in the power of the president and the constitution that gives him the presidential power. This power caused principles in Jacksonian Democracy including Manifest Destiny.
Also there was a growth in Nationalist interest and citizens started to become proud of German culture and language which encouraged them to unite as one. The final reason why the states united was because Prussia which was the leading German state had 3 successful wars against Demark, Austria and France this showed together they were a formidable military power which also contributed to why the states united. The second Reich was a autocratic government this means that the it was solely ruled by one person who is known as the Kaiser who at this time was Wilhelm II he had the ruling of all government decisions, under him were the Reichstag which were the countries parliament, the Reichsrat who represented the 25 states and could approve laws and The chancellor who was in charge of the government and was appointed personally by the Kaiser. All of these could be undermined by the Kaiser this is an Autocracy. The strengths of the second Reich were that it had made Germany one of the economic super powers of Europe, as by 1913 the population had grown by 50% and urbanisation started to occur meaning people started moving to the cities and industry began to boom.
Bismarck who recognised the appeal to Germany's growing working classes, initiated a "carrot and stick" approach of simultaneous repression and an overt effort to acquire popular support. The “carrot” was used by Bismarck who pushed extensive social welfare legislation through the Reichstag. The state provided accident insurance, sickness benefits, old age pensions, disability payments, etc. This meant that he could enjoy greater support from the common people of Germany and help him stay in power. He also instated Constitutional reforms for instance strengthening the power of the Reichstag by letting them take control of the defence budgets.