To What Extent Is There a Tension Between Liberalism and Multiculturalism

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To what extent is there a tension between multiculturalism and liberalism? The most important tension between multiculturalism and liberalism is the tension between the liberal focus on sovereignty of the individual and the multicultural focus on community first. This difference in emphasis suggests that their will always be tension between the two ideologies. However despite this difference multiculturalism and liberalism seem to come together over the ideas of equality, justice and pluralism. On the other hand there is a vast difference in opinion in regard to tolerance, with liberals offering limited tolerance (for example traditional clothing and foods such as halal and kosher) and multiculturalism offering wider tolerance possibly expanding to intolerant practices. This tension is based around the fact that liberals favour moral monism (the view that there is only one way to achieve a “worthwhile life”) while multiculturalism favours moral relativism (the view that no one way of life is better). Liberalism focuses on the individual and their rights, whereas multiculturalism focuses on the community and their values. Multiculturalism is based around communitarianism, which is the belief that individuals are shaped by their communities and is focused on sovereignty of the community rather than the individual. This difference of opinion suggests that there is a tension between the two ideologies. The multicultural belief in communitarianism is at odds with the classic liberal belief in negative freedom as it is based around the harm principle, which states an individual can act as they wish as long as they do not harm anyone else. This is because even if a community in a liberal society leaves other individuals and groups to do as they wish they might not offer the same negative freedom towards those within their own community, this is a tension with

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