To What Extent Did Ideological Differences Cause the Cold War?

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To What Extent did Ideological Differences Cause the Cold War? The Cold War is the term used to describe the relationship between capitalist America and communist USSR. Unlike most wars, neither side ever fought the other – but they did ‘fight’ for their beliefs using client states that fought for their beliefs on their behalf. This can be seen in South Vietnam, an anti-communist area supplied by the USA during World War II, whilst North Vietnam was pro-communist and fought the sough using weapons from communist Russia. The USA was the richest world power and capitalist, believing in free elections, a democratic government, personal freedom, freedom of the media, and ‘survival of the fittest.’ On the other hand, the USSR was communist with a poor economic base, no elections or fixed elections, a collective outlook, a society controlled by the NKVD (secret police), and total censorship. Both sides believed that their ideologies held the key to future success and happiness. Conflict between the USA and the Soviet Union had already been rising before World War II, when Britain and the USA helped the Whites against the Bolsheviks in the Soviet Civil War (1917-1922). In the meantime, the USA blamed the Nazi-Soviet Pact of 1939 for starting the World War. Although they became allies during WWII to eliminate their common enemy – Nazi-Germany – the superpowers had set themselves up for a great conflict. Aggressive actions and opposing ideologies had developed that would confirm the Cold War. The Truman Doctrine, the Long Telegram, and NATO are all examples of these actions due to opposing ideologies. These actions are seen as official causes of the Cold War; nevertheless, other factors played a large role in starting the conflict. The two opposing ideologies caused the war to a certain extent, but the fear and revenge that grew out of the ideological split were

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