To What Extend Is Britain a Democracy

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To what extend is Britain really a democracy? Democracy is a political system from the Greek meaning people power. ‘Demos’ stands for people and ‘kratia’ for power. It means that citizen should be involved in our political system. There are three different types of democracy: Direct democracy, Representative democracy and Totalitarian democracy. Direct democracy is where people assemble to debate and make decisions about every political issue. It is the ideal form of democracy and it is used e.g. in Switzerland. The Totalitarian democracy is where the government uses power to treat everyone equal by controlling people’s lives and not allowing any political opposition. Power is the ability to get others to do what they would not do voluntarily. It is used in authoritarian regimes. These are non-democratic countries. There may be elections and parties but they are mostly limited by one and the range of candidates is very low. Examples for authoritarian regimes are North Korea, Iran, Burma, Saudi Arabia and Zimbabwe. But in the UK we use the representative democracy which is also known as Indirect democracy because people elect representatives who make the decisions for us what means the citizen rule indirect. The Government is given authority to direct people and to achieve their goals. Authority is power in a positive way because the Government has the right to tell others what to do but they can’t force anyone. The democracy in Britain is often described as a liberal democracy because we have the ideas of “Limited government – checks and limitations on the power of government in order to secure essential liberties; Civil liberties and civil rights- the existence of essential public freedoms that are often written into law; Open government – non-secretive government that can be seen to be fair and accountable; Independent judiciary – a just, impartial

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