To Vaccinate Ethical Dilemmas

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To Vaccinate or not to Vaccinate, that is the Question Vaccination policies around the world are varied. The United States and Canada require mandatory vaccinations for school-aged children. However, they do allow for medical and religious exemptions. Australia doesn’t have mandatory vaccinations but they do offer financial incentives to boost compliance rates (Walkinshaw). Here is where the ethical dilemma begins because in a world where there are so many different beliefs it’s hard to dictate what the rules should actually be. To vaccinate or to not vaccinate, that is the question. In my opinion, I think it is an ethical dilemma because in America we have a freedom to choose. However, when one person’s choice threatens society as a whole…show more content…
Small Pox was a brutal disease that disfigured and killed many people. By 1980, Edward Jenner’s innovative contributions to immunization lead to worldwide small pox eradication (Ornes). “Most people have never seen these diseases and the suffering they can cause and therefore, they are less concerned about the need for immunization. However, these diseases are not diseases of the past. They are still with us, and circulation in many parts of the world.” Measles is a highly contagious and is spread through the air. Before the vaccine almost every child was infected with measles by the time they were 15 years old. Unfortunately, measles have yet to be eradicated. Many of the cases are due to vaccination noncompliance (Cuneta). Mumps virus attacks the salivary glands causing edema and life threatening complications. This virus is spread through droplets from coughing or sneezing. Whooping cough is a disease that causes severe respiratory problems and is highly contagious but it is more common in infants and children. It can be life threatening in infants because the coughing spells can be so bad that they cannot catch their breath. Seeing a child with whooping cough can be very traumatic. Unfortunately, many infants succom to the disease. Sadly this disease could have been prevented (StÖppler). Polio is a highly contagious viral infection…show more content…
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