To Sink a Mayflower

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Question: How effectively did Joan use team talk to engage her audience and win them over to her side? Answer: Joan used the team talk strategy well. Joan displayed social equality, by using casual and informal language while addressing the committee. Joan introduced her cohorts in a causal tone and not by their title, giving the perception that the group depends on everyone rather than on a single member. Joan also used plural pronouns while addressing the committee. Terms such as, we, us, and our send a message that group shares credit for the task and promotes a sense of inclusion. Individual reflection: Team talk dimensions are strategies that examine the power of language in team dynamics. I have used team talk dimensions in my personal life and in the work place. I can recall working with my Project Manager outside the office and we were able to converse on a personal level. From that point are relationship shifted and we formed a bond. We spoke to each other in a casual tone and it was easier to work around him and at the company. When an employee and or team member can address another individual in a causal tone, I think it makes the situation and task tolerable and comfortable. Question: In what ways did Joan use the principles of team talk to address the group? Answer: Joan addressed everyone by using their first name and talked about the project as a group and the work they did when though two of them did not contribute to the group. Joan kept an active voice throughout the presentation. Joan had the committee’s attention and they did not see or feel emotional conflict in the room. She also asked everyone to express disagreements and to listen patiently to others opinions. Individual reflection: I have had to give presentations in the past were my group has been parted but I have had to pull it together to give the

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