To Cut, or Not to Cut: Cosmetic Surgery and Societies Expectations of Beauty

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Many people have become fascinated with the idea of changing their appearance, so they decide to have plastic surgery or cosmetic surgery in order to alter their “imperfections”. While watching television, I noticed that along with fitness, dieting and weight loss commercials, several commercials also advertised liposuction and other procedures such as face lifts and Botox. These advertisements caused me to wonder how these individuals choose to either exercise and diet or get plastic surgery. I became fascinated with the variety of procedures that are available and the price that people pay. What is the difference between plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery? I would also like to learn about the risk factors and possible benefits or disadvantages that a patient could encounter. Is it safe to undergo these procedures? Are there any alternatives? A vast amount of information can be found concerning plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery. One must first know the difference between cosmetic and plastic surgery. Plastic surgery, or reconstructive surgery, is to fix irregularities that are due to heath problems, birth deformities or accidents such as: scar revision, exposed bone, cleft lip, breast reduction and skin cancer. For example, after a severe car crash, an accident victim might have facial disfiguration and with plastic surgery, their face could be reconstructed. However, cosmetic surgery is performed on perfectly normal body parts. Cosmetic surgery is to improve the way a person looks, based upon decide to get a facelift in order to reduce wrinkles and tighten her skin to appear younger than what she is. Many procedures are performed and they are becoming very popular during the period of time due to what society considers the “perfect look”. Most research indicates the types of procedures available, the cost of these procedures, reasons why people choose to

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