Title: Separating The Components Of a Ternary Mixt

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Title: Separating the Components of a Ternary Mixture Abstract: This experiment demonstrates how to separate the components in a ternary mixture via five methods, four physical and one chemical. The four physical methods are gravity filtration, evaporation, decantation and extraction; while the chemical method is by selective reaction. The components of this mixture are SiO2 (s), NaCl (s) and CaCO3 (s). Via filtration with the filtrate water the residues were NaCl(aq), SiO2 (s) and CaCO3 (s). The subsequent evaporation of the of the water from NaCl(aq) resulted in NaCl (s) which was cooled to room temperature and then weighed. Subsequent there was the evaporation of the of the water from SiO2 (s) and CaCO3 (s) followed by chemical reaction involving the 3M HCl, followed by decanting the CaCl2 (aq) from the SiO2 (s).This SiO2 (s). was then dried and weighed. A subsequent chemical reaction involving the CaCl2 and 1M K2CO3 followed by gravity filtration resulted in CaCO3 (s)as the residue which was then dried and weighed. Introduction: A mixture can have several components and this one has three, namely: SiO2 (s), NaCl (s) and CaCO3 (s). There are many methods that are used to separate components in a given mixture. The aim here is to use five methods in demonstrating components separation in a mixture; four involving physical methods and one involving chemical method. The four physical methods are decantation, filtration, evaporation and extraction. The chemical method uses selective separation. By knowing the quantity of each component in a mixture gives one the ability to readily duplicate mixture at will. Therefore the procedure will need dutiful analyzing and documentation. Procedure: The mixing of the three components SiO2 (s), NaCl (s) and CaCO3 (s ) with water produced a white milky substance which was then filtered leaving SiO2 (s), and

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