Time Waits for No Ones’ Health

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Time Waits for No Ones’ Health Time Waits for No Ones’ Health “The definition of health promotion is the art and science of helping people discover the synergies between their core passions and optimal health. Enhancing their motivation to strive for optimal health, and supporting them in changing their lifestyles to move toward a state of optimal health. Optimal health is the dynamic balance of physical, emotional, social, spiritual and intellectual health,” according to the American Journal of Health Promotion. (author, May/June 2013, pg. #) Health care is changing and as nurses we have to change too. Nurses are the people who spend the most time with the patients, as they are the physician’s right hand. Without nurses the physician would not be able to see the amount of patients that he/she does. As nurses we are the ones who spend time with the patient explaining things in terms that they can understand. The nurses help patients to obtain the necessary knowledge so that they can take their health in their hands so they can get healthy and maintain good health. We as nurses have many opportunities to take advantage of an opportunity to teach a patient. For example, if a patient comes in with a diabetic ulcer and is getting a dressing change this is a perfect time to assess how well they are controlling their glucose levels and to do some health care teaching. (H News, 2009) “Nurses are the” leaders of the pack” in designing innovation of patient care.” (Wilson, Whitaker and Whitford, year, pg. #) Nurses play an important role in delivery of primary care to the community. As people are living to greater ages, with diseases still abundant, and health care cost on the rise there is an even greater need for health promotion. The role and responsibilities of nurses are evolving with the times. However, there are many barriers that nurses still have to
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