Time Value Of Money

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[pic] Time Value of Money August 2008 Copyright 2008 Information Systems And Management Science August 2008 One of the cornerstones of finance is the concept of the time value of money. More concisely, a dollar received today is worth more than a dollar received some time in the future. For example, if you were confronted with the situation where you are offered one dollar today or one dollar one year from now, you would choose the option, which provides you with the most wealth. In the absence of interest, the decision of which option to choose would be irrelevant since one dollar received today would be equal to one dollar received one year from today. However, with the existence of interest, money has a 'time value' and the economic value of the two transactions cannot be compared. Interest is the monetary compensation that is paid to lenders from borrowers for the temporary use of money. Thus, one dollar received today will be deposited now and will receive interest for one year. As a result, with the existence of interest, the value of one dollar now will always be worth more than one dollar received some time in the future. A simple rule to understand with the time value of money is that if events do not occur at the same point time, you cannot compare the values. Simple Interest Simple interest is an application of the linear function FV = P (1 + rt) (1) where FV is the future value P is the present value r is the nominal interest rate t is the time in years The accumulated value is the total of the principal value plus the accumulated interest. With simple interest, the amount of interest is computed on the original principal amount only. Since the interest is computed on the original principal only, the amount of interest only is calculated using the formula I = Prt (2) where I is the total

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