Time & Tide Waits for None

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TIME & TIDE WAITS FOR NONE…. Time is the most precious thing for a man as it comes only once in someone's life and never stays long. Whether favorable or unfavorable, time is gone once means it never returns just like tide. Thus, the popular proverb goes like "Time and Tide wait for none". It is seen that some people miss the bus for a while escape the severe accidents. Likewise a scientist discovers a valuable finding at a particular point of time which he had missed by chance means eh might not have got the credit of finding that. Although all these are matter of fate nevertheless time does not wait for anybody. If we fail to act when time is ripped, we miss the chance and curse our fate for ever. So it is advisable to do every work at an appropriate time so that one would never repent for the time wasted. In fact, he should wit patiently for the proper and favorable time, so that success will come easily and time will be used best. In every field time has its own importance. If a farmer had not sown the seeds in proper season he would not get the paddy as thought. Similarly, the game of football one extra minute may also make a difference as during that one minute a player could score a goal against the opponent tem and the game would be over with an 1:0 score in spite of simple draw. To add another example, if a doctor would not reach at the right time the patients life will not be saved. Thus, time is very important for every work to be completed as required. In olden days there were now watches an people used to do their working following the direction of the Sun, even though people were sincere and punctual at those days. But today even after innumerable inventions and a lot developments people used to complain that they don't have time. Is it that the time in olden days was long and today it is short? Not at all. Then where is the problem? Actually
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