Thomas Hobbes vs. Jean Jacque Rousseau

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Are Humans Good or Evil – Case Study Throughout these two episodes of “Lost” both the good and the evil come out of most of the characters, but the ones’ philosopher theory that is more visibly shining out is Jean Jacque Rousseau’s view of human nature. The first example that happened right from the beginning of the movie is Jack waking up and running back to the plane crash, since that’s where all the survivors are. From him just doing so shows that he would not want to live a life of solitary. He wanted the presents of others; along with helping out as much as he can since he would want support back. A different example or support within group of survivors is when Claire (a pregnant woman) is close to giving birth and she is in need of support and comfort. She is given that support when Jack assigns a person to stay with her. Later on he gives her two meals out of good will, which again shows the common good of others. Another illustration of Rousseau’s theory is shown when we seek the good within ourselves when we see others are hurt. Kate was originally arrested on board the plane, but when she came across Jack and his injury she found the good within her to help him. When she later went back to the crash she took a lead role in assisting others alongside Jack. This example proves Rousseau’s concept that when man is put together in a society they find their general will or common good to help those around them. The last sample of evidence I have of Rousseau’s philosophy is how one person stands over others and how his decisions are made for the best interest for all people to follow. As Rousseau says “The general will can be decided by one person if he or she is working for the common good.” This describes how Jack acted as a leader throughout the two episodes. Since Jack is a doctor he would usually have the peoples common good in mind, making him a great
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