Thinking and Decision-Making

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Thinking and Decision Making Most people have been found to use only one thinking style at a time, but a few people have been able to learn how to combine thinking styles and use several styles to form their decision-making process. People who use several thinking styles are always better communicators. They possess the ability to look at a problem or situation from more then one angle, giving them the ability to better communicate with those involved. Most people can gain a positive response to thinking styles just by researching this issue and getting to know the problem or situation by using the resources available to them. By using and practicing each of the thinking styles constructively, many people can increase his or her communication skills giving them a better decision-making ability. Three types of thinking styles that I will be comparing are the analyst, the realist and the idealist thinking styles. The analyst thinker approaches a problem or situation by carefully planning and gathering as much information as they can. They mostly assume that by having enough information they can find the best way to deal with the problem or situation. The analyst thinker concerns themselves with details because they are afraid that if they miss or overlook something the details something will go wrong. The strength of analyst thinking style is that this style is greatly useful when the problem or situation needs a logical or analytical way to be solved. The weakness of the analyst thinking style is that this style can fail if used as the only method because too much time is taken on analyzing which leads to a lack of feedback from others. The analyst thinking style affects the critical thinking process because the analyst thinker needs to be absolute sure of all things and needs to know what is going to happen next. The realist thinker approaches a
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