Thinking Critically 1.1

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1. Blair’s issues with accuracy and corrections were well known to his supervisors, prompting one of his editors to send out an e-mail reminding all the journalists that “accuracy is all we have … it’s what we are and what we sell.” What steps should they have taken to address Blair’s behavior? Blair’s actions suggest that he lives his life according to no standard of "right" or "wrong" behavior. He lied to the readers during his four years working in the New York Times. His personal and professional ethics is his untruthful. 2. Should we expect journalists to uphold a higher level of professional ethics than business people? Why or why not? They should have fixed the articles Blair wrote contained significant errors and fabricated quotes after they find out, and let Blair know as a professional journalist the accuracy and corrections are the basic standards for them to report. 3. Since the editors of are choosing to hire reporters they know for certain will be at a considerable distance from the stories they will be covering, dose that change the ethics of the situation in comparison to the Blair story? Both journalists and businesspeople should uphold a higher level of professional ethics. The value of businesspeople use to make decisions is also important. Managers must balance the ideal against the practical-the need to produce a reasonable profit for the company's shareholders with honesty in business practices, and larger environmental and social issues. 4. Should disclose the overseas location of its reporters? Why or why not? I think it reveals our individual ethical standards which represents a collection of all influences built up over lifetime can easily be trampled when we confronted with a moral dilemma. 5. Blair has since joined the “speaker circuit,” lecturing on ethics under the title “Lessons Learned.”
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