There Is No Hope of Doing Perfect Research

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There is No Hope of Doing Perfect Research Introduction Before making a decision on whether to accept or reject this statement, we must first understand the definition of word perfect and then associate it with research. Perfection can be defined as a state of completeness, without blemish, accurate, precise, and flawless. With this definition in mind, we can easily decide whether it is possible to conduct a perfect research or not. Most researches require alteration in some aspects of their research at a later date due to the changing circumstances and advances in knowledge base. In this light of events, it is possible to conclude that no research is absolute or final. Researchers never present their findings and results as final and unchallengeable. In fact, they offer avenues for further research. Therefore, there is no element of perfection in any research paper. Discussion To elaborate further on this matter, we may look at the example of advances in development of the telephone. The invention of the telephone and the telecommunication industry is said to be an aggregation of work from various individuals ( Each of the individual, who contributed to the invention of the telephone, had to improve on the research of his or her predecessor to come up with a better gadget. The improvements made in these researches serve to show that each research had not attained perfection. Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, thought that his invention was perfect and absolute. However, time has proven that his invention was not absolute neither was it perfect. Scientists have improved on Graham Bell research and they have advanced it to come up with cell phones. Currently, researchers are working on ways that they can use to improve the cell phones. However, with every new improvement, a new problem arises. This proves that the state of

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