There Eyes Were Watching God

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Lecture Friday 11 May. QUESTION: Is Their Eyes Were Watching God really a feminist novel? [Questions of the week] I prefer the label “gynocentric.” A gynocentric novel is one in which the social dynamics emanate from the relationships and represented subjectivities of female characters. Does the author have to be female? No, but it helps. Does the protagonist have to be an ideal type? Not if the novel represents a complex character engaged in conflicts she experiences through living as a woman in a social milieu that “inhibits instinctual aims” (that is, any medium of social organization: marriage, work, The Law, etc) “GYNOCENTRISM” IN THE PLOT OF EYES: 1. The narrative is a female “bildungsroman”: a novel of education, initiated in the unsatisfactory social goals envisioned by the older generation (“mother”) for the younger (“daughter”) 2. Janie’s sexual identity emerges from an exploration of her own desires: her discovery of sexual feelings is not prompted by the presence of a man; and the acquisition of her “voice” emerges from the creation, in the field of her desire, of egalitarian dialogue with a man 3. Janie achieves female autonomy in two stages: first from dominance by her “mother,” then from dominance by her three husbands 4. Janie entrusts her story, for transmission, to another woman: i.e., the person who possesses the “same” socially-situated knowledge (what Woolf calls “thinking in common”) Let me illustrate the “female-centered” elements of Janie’s “education” in Their Eyes Were Watching God,” which can be quickly summarized. First, the transmission of a sense of purpose and social possibility is transmitted from mother to daughter. The main character, Janie, recognizes that what she tropes as the “horizon” of possibility in her life has been established by the

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