There Are Positive and Negative of Computer in the 20th and 21st Century

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Computers have impacted the way we live on a large scale. You will find computers in hospitals, libraries, schools and banks, each running tasks that would be difficult for people to do on their own. The computer has been widely considered as one of the greatest inventions of the 20th and 21st century, but it also is blamed for many day-to-day problems and even tragic events. As computer technology advances, the effects will continue to change the world for better or worse. Plus, it makes easier more efficient communication, positive effect on learning, make things faster on organization of date/ info, and it can help your health as it helps Doctors see what the Human eye can’t see. Or it can be a bad by Hacking, putting people (humans) out of jobs, and it can be bad to your health just like it can good health. Computers are a general drive device that can be encoded to carry out a set of calculation or logical processes. Since a sequence of operations can be readily changed, the computer can solve more than one kind of problem. Computers make it easier and more efficient communication by emails, social networking, and more. Ever since the primer of the phone in the late 19th century, machinery has gradually made it easier and more affordable than ever to communicate with each other in the early 90s. the game changed completely with the introduction of the Internet. “In this century that we are living has many different ways to communicate and interact with the people we need. New developed technologies have made our lives much easier than the old days. Many people prefer to look at a screen and explore new things, do our homework, chat with our close ones, listen to a song, watch a movie, and buy new clothes and so on. These are the things that we can do. Moreover, it saves time and money. One of the important decisions we make is to work at home in front of a
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