Theoy Of Person Centered Counselling

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CORE MODEL OF COUNSELLING INTRODUCTION TO THE WORK OF CARL ROGERS INTRODUCTION Based on Humanistic Psychology and a branch of Existential Counselling. Above viewpoints share a respect for a person's subjective experience and trust in their capacity to make positive and conscious choices and they emphasise freedom, values, personal responsibility, autonomy and purpose. Rogers developed nondirective counselling as a reaction against directive and psychoanalytic approaches - he challenged the basic assumption that "the counsellor knows best". Rogers believed that humans are essentially trustworthy, have a vast potential for self-understanding and resolving their own problems and are capable of self-directed growth. KEY CONCEPTS HUMAN NATURE Humans have a tendency to develop in a positive and constructive way if a climate of respect and trust is established. People are resourceful, capable of self-direction and can live effective and productive lives. This positive view of human nature has had a significant implication on counselling practice. The Person centred approach rejects the role of the counsellor as the authority who knows best. The Counsellor places primary responsibility on the client who has the capacity for awareness and an ability to make decisions. BASIC PRINCIPLES Person-centred approach focuses on the client's responsibility and capacity to discover ways of living a more fulfilling life. It emphasises the subjective world of the client and their internal frame of reference. The Counsellors" function is to be imrmediatety present and available to the client's perception of self and the world and focus on the here and now experience. THERAPEUTIC GOALS Aim toward a client's greater degree of independence and integration.

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