Theory Of Multiple Intelligences

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Theory of Multiple Intelligences Melinda Johnson PSY/300 September 12, 2011 Kaisa Freeman Theory of Multiple Intelligences The multiple intelligence theory was first introduced by Howard Gardner, a professor of cognition and education at Harvard University in his book called Frames of Mind in 1983. Howard Gardner regarded it as a “pluralistic view of the mind” which recognizes many different and discrete facets of cognition and acknowledges that people have different cognitive strengths and contrasting cognitive styles. (Gardner, 1983) In designing his theory, Howard Gardner opposes the traditional view of the mind stating that his theory is a new outlook of the human intelligence. Howard Gardner’s theory suggests that everyone is capable of learning and knowing about the world around them and he also gave a definition of intelligence. For most of the history of human beings, there had never been a scientific definition of intelligence and when spoken about it was referred to as people being “dull” or “bright with varying degrees. (Gardner, 1983) Howard Gardner defines intelligence as “the ability to solve problems, or fashion products that are valued in one or more cultural or community settings”. (Gardner, 1983) Howard Gardner refined his definition giving a more inclusive and precise one because he believes that there is both a biological and cultural basis for the multiple intelligences, which brings into account the profound influence that society and or culture has on intelligence. Howard Gardner’s revised definition of intelligence states that “it is a bio psychological potential to process information that can be activated in a cultural setting to solve problems or create products that are of value in a culture”.(Gardner, 1999) Multiple Intelligences Howard Gardner considers his new concept of intelligence as an

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