Theories Of Job Satisfaction

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Theories of Job Satisfaction There are many different theories to determine job satisfaction but in this paper we will only discuss the four most significant ones which are: the facet model, Herzberg’s motivator-hygiene theory, the discrepancy model and the steady-state theory. The facet model basically focuses on breaking a certain job down into job facets or components and then determines how the employee is satisfied with each facet. After calculating the employee’s satisfaction with each facet, we sum up everything to see the employee’s overall job satisfaction. The extent to which an employing organization is “family friendly,” for example, is an important job facet for many employees (George Jones, 2011). Herzberg’s theory states that there are two sets of needs that every employee possesses: motivator needs and hygiene needs. Motivator needs are related directly to the work and how challenging it is while hygiene needs are related to the physical and psychological part of the job. This theory also states that an employee could be satisfied and dissatisfied at the same time with his job. For example, the employee might find the work interesting and challenging yet be dissatisfied because his or her hygiene needs are not being met (George Jones, 2011). The discrepancy model of job satisfaction states that in order to see how much the employees are satisfied with their jobs, they should compare their current job to their ideal job. The discrepancy model explains that when employees have high expectations of their ideal jobs and those expectations are not met, they will be dissatisfied. Managers often use this model to determine what their employees want their jobs to be like and what changes need to be done to increase their employees’ level of job satisfaction. The steady-state theory suggests that each employee has a typical level of job satisfaction

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