Theoretical Matrix Essay

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University of Phoenix Material Appendix A: Matrix of Theoretical Models |Theoretical Model |Description of Theoretical Model |Type of health care change situation | | | |where model best applies | |Lewin’s Change Model |In 1947, Kurt Lewin created a model that used |Kurt Lewin’s model can be used in a | | |Force Field Analysis to describe what happens when|health care change that involves the | | |an organization experiences change. He explained |implementation of electronic charting and| | |that there are forces that want change to occur, |electronic medical records. Management | | |and there also existed forces that wanted to |should accept some resistance from staff | | |maintain the status quo. For change to be |because it is natural for people to | | |effective, either the forces that want the change |dislike change. There can be many | | |to occur had to increase, or the forces that want |reasons for resistance. People become | | |things to stay the same had to decrease. Once the|very accustomed to and comfortable with | | |forces are determined and understood, the process |their ways of accomplishing tasks. Also,| | |of implementing change can occur. Lewin divided |employees may resist because they don’t | | |the process of change into

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