Theology Reflection over Sin in the Church

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Sin in the Body In Genesis, the problem of sin is introduce for the first time in Scripture. Besides being the first time it is mentioned, it is also an accurate depiction of what sin is, how it comes about, and the effects it has on God’s people. In order to fully understand the effects of sin one must first acknowledge what sin is. Throughout Scripture sin is seen as a direct disobedience of the boundaries that God has set up for His people that in turn disrupt the order of Shalom. According to the Strong’s Concordance Shalom is the Hebrew word that means completeness, wholeness, health, peace, welfare, safety soundness, tranquility, prosperity, perfectness, fullness, rest, harmony and the absence of agitation or discord. These are all synonyms for words that have to do with peace or the lack of negative things and conflict in life. When studying the “progression of sin” in Genesis, one must make a note of the way that sin begins to disrupt “Shalom.” The problem with sin in people’s lives is that it shows that they do not believe that the boundaries that God has set for them are best. The act of sin is breaking the commands of God because one believes in their own plan as best for their lives. Once one doubts that God’s boundaries are best, their perspective is then twisted. Instead of taking doubts and questions to God through prayer or through studying Scripture one begins to rely on their own wisdom in order to make choices in their lives. The problem with this is that God’s boundaries are always best and by sinning and trespassing those boundaries people step out of the safety of God’s plan for them and into the chaos caused by sin. Keeping in mind the consequences that come about when one trespasses God’s boundaries it is important to make sure that churches are leading their congregations by showing them the problems that come about through sin. A

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