Theodore Roosevelt's Role In World War One

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World War One broke out in 1914 and ended in 1918. It originally began as a war in Europe between the “Allies”, which Great Britain and French belong, and the Central Powers” of Germany and Austria-Hungary. American stayed neutral at the beginning of the war because she had always been a peace broker-- Theodore Roosevelt used relatively assertive diplomacy during his presidency, yet he invited both the leaders of Russian and Japan, America was the peace broker between the defeated Russian and Japan, then his successor William Tarf, used dollar diplomacy to promote economic stability, keep peace through out his presidency that although ‘substituting dollars for bullets’, risen the nation’s debt. So when…show more content…
To counterblockade Great Britain, Germany invented the new submarine weapons called U-boats that attacked without warning and spared no lives, which invoking international law and national honor. So Wilson threatened Germany to ‘strict accountable’ for any American losses. Germany promised not to sink any American ships. But this soon led to a new conflict: the safety of American passengers on vessels of nations at war. And that’s what exactly happened on the morning of May 7, 1915, Germany sank the British passenger liner that has nearly 1200 man, women, and children passengers, including128 American as well. Horrified Wilson sent notes of protest to Germany. Germany want to keep the U.S out of the war, but Germany desperate declared submarine warfare on all armed vessels regardless of belligerent or neutral in Feb 1915. A month later, U-boat commander mistook French unarmed steamer Sussex that injured several Americans. Following that incident, Wilson sternly warned Germany in mid-April 1915 that the U.S would break off their diplomatic relation if Germany refuse to stop sinking nonmilitary vessels. Germany first agreed, but later resume unrestricted attacks that U.S. would have to go to war. And Wilson’s dream of keeping the country from war collapsed…show more content…
No that I like war, but American’s entering to WWI was a necessity during that historical setting: without the democratic reinforcement, Germany’s autocratic military would eventually come after democratic countries like the U.S, and the fatality would be much higher if the war last longer. By entering the war, the US not only ended the war in a short period of time avoid further fatality, but also got to flex its muscles on the world stage and establish itself as a world power— the pass of Selective Service Act in May 1917 and the establish Committee on Public Information shown that the U.S government has became more regulated than before entering the war. And The war changed the U.S society to more urbanized that shape our racial diverse society today, women’s role were more economically involved to produce resources for men in the battle field; the war also the technologically advanced America since many of the technologies developed for fighting the war such as refrigerator and radio were used among the public after the war was over. These pushed American forward to the new twentieth century. Generally, the U.S. entering the WWI was a better move for the country and the
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