Then Enlightenment And The French Revolution

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Then Enlightenment and the French revolution The eighteenth century Enlightenment led new ways of thinking with respect to religion and politics. These new ideas would impact the French Revolution from 1789 to 1799. The ideas of Enlightenment about religion and society formed the policies of the French Revolution. During the period of The Enlightenment the interest in learning, logic, and reason was increased. But in case of the traditional beliefs were examined further and sometimes refused. Astronomical studies brought about to the replacement of the geocentric theory with the heliocentric theory. Moreover the ancient belief of divine right was also ignored by many enlightenment thinkers at that time. They believed that the universe was not ruled randomly, but it was designed to abide by a curtained and fixed set of laws. It’s believed that the key to disclosing the secrets of the universe, was to understand those laws mentioned above. The beliefs of the Christian Church and their validity were examined by many enlightenment thinkers, such as Voltaire. Due to that, a new age of atheism and secularism began. The men of the Estates General and subsequent revolutionary Assemblies have been described as ‘the children of the Enlightenment’ by Alfred Cobban. According to this it is viable to expect a clear ideological influence all over the first three years of Revolution. The Enlightenment also has strongly affected the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen. Also, the obvious relationships between Enlightenment and the French Revolution can be seen through the philosophic ideals respecting to religion, education, women and slavery, and for sure the revolutionary’s approach to these areas. Nevertheless, it is very difficult to describe the Enlightenment’s influence in general because of the aspects of the French Revolution mentioned above.
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