The Well-Being of a Society Is Enhanced When Many of Its People Question Authority.

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Society can be broadly be divided into two strata – people in power and the ordinary multitude. The general public elect their representatives to formulate laws for a better well off living, and hence, it becomes the fundamental right of the people to question the authorities and be heard and answered. The Government is an intricate, multi-layered highly functioning complex body whose fundamental duty is to cater to the well-being of the society at large. However, the government often fails to notice issues which might not be as significantly important in its functioning as it is to the society. It is at this juncture where the interests of the people in authority supersedes that of the society. Without the proper instruments of asking questions and channelizing doubts to the authority, what follows are protests, vandalism and destruction of state property, as seen when Government tries to hide figures during inflation, economic depressions, natural calamity or world-wide pressing phenomenon. Hence, with proper questioning, both parties can mitigate pressing problems and enhance mutual well-being. The society will benefit at large when people question the political machinery – the efficient voting system, what changes the current ruling party are aiming at, fund allocations for a new financial year, changes in tax structures and the market economy, trade relations and ties between different countries, how effective the defence systems are or whether the nation is prepared for an impending nuclear strike. Undoubtedly, people will develop a sense of security and trust on the current Government if their questions hinted at the legal system –whether justice is imparted equally to all and the efficiency of implementation of human rights, are effectively answered. The consistent pressurization by the people has led to the formulation of Right to Information (RTI)
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