The Way We Spend Money

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When it comes to money there are usually two kinds of people, those that save and spend their money wisely and those that feel like they should spend, spend, and spend every penny they earn. Most of us come across these two groups of people everyday either at the store, just passing by or even in our own families. In today’s society money is on everyone’s minds, what they choose to do with it is another story. Well the familiar words, “I wish I could win the lottery,” or “That’s not in the budget right now.” Money is the number one cause of stress. One can pick out the reckless spenders from the money managers relatively easy in public. They are usually the young but not all the time and seem to not have a care in the world about throwing their money around. Lets face it wouldn’t we all like to indulge in lives’ finer things? You are better off to save your money for the long term than to blow it on everything you want all the time. Money managers tend to have relatively in general the same philosophy about spending and saving their money. It comes down to not wanting to work the rest of their lives with nothing to show for a life time of hard work. It is always nice to know that you can retire and not have any worries about your financial stability. By way of contrast the reckless spender tends to think that they work hard for their money, they will spend it how they want to right now. “I earned it, I want the 47 inch flat screen plasma television now,” thinking tends to get a lot of them in trouble. Their financial decisions come back to haunt them and they tend to only rely on government Social Security in which a minimal fixed income doesn’t get you very far a month. Money management tends to be more relaxing whereas over spending tends to be worrisome. It’s not very fun worrying about money and bills, living paycheck to paycheck. Being

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