The Way I Work

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THE WAY I WORK Each people usually have their own way to manage work and study of the life. And it will depend on the characters and all the objective factors around their life. In the positive aspects, I think I clearly know the way I work and everything is usually in order in my life. Firstly, the best time for me to study best is at 8pm to 12pm every evening. Sometimes I have tried the other times of day such as morning and afternoon; I realized that I can’t concentrate on studying in deed. So every evening, after having dinner and listening my favorite music, I feel totally relax and begin to study with wholly sound mind. As a result, I can concentrate about 2 hours fully before I need a break. It really sounds not bad since if we are not concentrated we could not study anything. Secondly, I often study best at my own room and also at my own desk. In my opinion, it is a perfect place which is very quiet and familiar to me for studying. Occasionally, I used to go to my library of university for self-studying but it seemed to be too crowed of students and too noisy. I not only could not study any subject but also took much time to talk with my friends. Finally, I also study better under pressure especially every coming exams closely. Nothing could affect me in such any situations. On the contrary, pressure makes me more dynamical to study. Several times I have learnt with some closed friends to do a workgroup and the results were turning out excellent. Hence I think I also can study better alone but study with others it sounds the same good. Maybe it depends on some circumstances that Iam in. In conclusion, with above methods I have applied, the way I work seems to be a right way. However, I will try the most effective way to do so that my life can be more and more
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