The Value Of Life

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The value of life
Steven, a 16 years old guy goes to his doctor because he feels depressed and he kept having those headaches. The doctor tells him that he has brain cancer and he only has 2 more months of life. That’s when he started to see how beautiful life is. “It’s not about the bike: my journal back to life" an article of value of life by Lance Armstrong. It shows how some people value their lives even though they have conflicts or problems they never give up and they keep going with their lives. People are placed on this earth to teach one another, to inspire one another, make differences in people’s lives, and cherishing every moment.
Our society has placed a dollar amount on life and I think the value of a person’s life should be determined by how happy we are, the experiences we have, and the relationships we acquire. Our society has its priorities in the wrong order. We think that professional athletes, singers, or actors are worth more than people who have good hearts but who do not make as much money. If money can’t buy happiness then how do we, as a society, put very large price-tags on celebrities who live miserable lives and only pretend to be happy when there’s a camera pointed in their direction. Our government has set up a specific formula on how much money a life is worth when there is an accident and someone is killed.
All of the violence in movies in video games that it pumped into the minds of children at rather young ages, it makes them disregard the true value of life. These made them look life in an easy way. Everybody's life is different, and therefore, of different value. Some people are successful and are motivated to live their lives to the fullest and to enrich the lives of those around them. Other people simply idle away their lives and do not care what comes of it. It is not society's job to necessarily assign us a value for
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