The Use of Language and Techniques in Advertising

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The Use of Language and Techniques in Advertising Whenever we are watching television or surfing the net, we come across some advertising commercials. Wikipedia defines Advertising as “a form of marketing communication used to persuade an audience to take or continue some action, usually with respect to a commercial offering, or political or ideological support”, this action is usually buying a product or service. Advertising started when there was a real need for bigger markets and audiences. By the time, the number of companies increased, therefore, the competition between these companies was essential for them in order to not fall bankrupt. Since it has became essential for a company to advertisements for its products, the advertising methods needed to develop by the developing of the new generations. To develop and create new methods of advertising, companies needed new ideas for advertising which can be offered only by people who are experts in advertising and those who have the expertise in that field. In this case study I‟ll be stating some techniques and methods that were developed in advertising. All companies have made a logo that identifies them. That is because logos are so important nowadays for people to quickly visually identify a company or product. And that is because our visual memory is really good. Logos are usually simple in order to make it more easier for the consumer to identify it. Also, they should be attractive in order to attract the cunsumer‟s eyes. Another very important element in advertising is language. Before, text was the dominant part of ads. Nowadays it is totally the opposite, text is kept to the minimum; however, it is still very important. First, the most important element is the brand name because it identifies – next to the logo – the product or the company. Sometimes, acronyms are used just as logos to simplify the

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