The Use of Faith in Determining Knowledge

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The use of faith as a foundation of getting and recieving knowledge is a contreversial topic that has been debated. Faith in the bible is basically what the belief of God is about, having hope for a supernatural being that nobody can implant within you. Human beings always want to inquire more, but for some people inquiring more knowledge means to actually feel it and sense it in order to believe it. To some extent this is the opposite of faith, because faith however is a belief on something or someone without needing to get that “evidence”. There are more than seven billion people on our planet and each individual has a different belief, but why is it that faith as an individual is such a controversial topic? Why can’t faith be used as a basis of knowledge? The answer is more difficult then it may seem, some people believe that faith cannot be used as the basis to get knowledge simply because there is no sustantial evidence of explaining it, because it cannot be shown, therefore a fallible source. For that reason, people choose the more scientific approach because it provides evidence. This undoubtly is the quitessential what the Natural Sciences is based upon. The knowledge is passed down not through belief in something because we have an emotional connection, but more as sense perception. Because of this debate, the claim is born that faith can sometimes be a poor basis of knowledge therefore alot gaps in that area is unreliable due to the connection. However if this is true, why do human beings have to rely on imperical evidence and proof in order to believe something is real? In the Natural Sciences, a strong and accepted theory must contain solid evidence and background information to support the theory, meaning that a strong concept can be falsified. Thus providing with the question: if the Natural Sciences that involve sense perception and “seeing it to

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