The Use of Animals on Research

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Student: Antonio Renato Arruda Viana To what extent is the use of animals in scientific research acceptable? The uses of animals on research have a deep relation with human welfare. Without those researches it would not be possible to save millions of lives. The discovery of penicillin, is an important example of well applied and critical research. Although the use of animals for any purpose other than for medical research should be avoided. However, the use animals on research must not be taken as fastest way to obtain a conclusion. Or apply unprepared research result without consider how much it would affect the animal. And without have assured proper care, such as pain killers, to lower the side effects which must vary depending on the research. Having those care, it would be acceptable the use if needed in any stage of research. Using this resource isn’t cheap, a point which lead the scientist find cheaper ways as computer software to generate results. It would be perfect, if the side effects of a new drug could be predicted exactly. As this still not possible, and risks would be dangerous to expose humans to those tests, still necessary to use animals. Thinking rationally, it would be best to lose a pet rat than a relative. A clear example of the need of animals is the drug test for the penicillin. The test involved eight experimental subjects, and to prove the effectiveness half of them died. Moreover there is a need to verify how a drug, as example, would behave not only one specie. Because could happen that this specie has a resistance or is not affected by a particular side effect. And yet the drug can react different because some characteristics of the specie. Being necessary to try and test in more animals from different species, so it could be safer to do drug test on humans. Therefore animals on research could be used in any stage. However some
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