The Usage of Code Switching in Honest Sancho Character in Luis Valdez Play “Los Vendidos”

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1. Introduction United States of America is a country which consists of a various ethnics and races. Of course the usage of language especially English is also in various type. Here the study is focused on a certain linguistic case that commonly can be found in daily American conversation, it is about code switching of Tex-Mex or Spanglish as can be depicted by Honest Sancho character in play by Luis Valdez “Los Vendidos”. Here Honest Sancho represents a huge scale of Mexican American who still speaks bilingual in America. Instead of speaking English, there must be a certain reason and purpose why he speaks dual language in one time. Code switching in this case is used in leterary context by Luis Valdez in order to establish characters and setting, also it can be a symbol of an identity or group membership. Before taking a step further, a brief explanation about code switching is inserted. Code switching is a condition where people switch one language to another for certain purpose or reason in the same time. the changes of the two languages can be included in word, clause, or sentence level (Coupland and Jaworski,1997: 361). People may switch codes within a speech even to discuss particular topic (Holmes, 1992: 44). According to Cecilia Montes Alcala code swicthing in Tex-Mex or Spanglish is regarded as a phenomenon that is oftenly attribute to illeteracy, lack of formal education and proficiency in one or both languages (montes-alcala_1.pdf). Code Switching according to Brown and Attado (2003:84) can be divided into situational and metaphorical code switching. Situational code switching conducts where there are two varieties employed in community, in this term no topic change involved. Meanwhile, metaphorical code switching cunducts when someone wants to convey a particular perspective on an event. So, if someone switches his language because of the change of

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