The University Museum And Art Gallery

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Vision The University Museum and Art Gallery aspires to generate artistic and cultural experiences that are accessible to people in all walks of life. We seek to encourage greater appreciation of the arts and nurture a stronger sense of cultural values within the Hong Kong community. Mission The University Museum and Art Gallery believes in the power of art to improve the quality of life. Through our collection and activities, we are dedicated to educating the public about the past and present of Chinese and other cultures, and to stimulating life-long learning through both formal and informal education. The Museum is committed to fulfilling its mission by: - maintaining a high standard in its exhibitions and education activities - providing access to its collections and services for the teaching, study and research of Chinese art and culture - developing its collections and services to meet the needs of the University and the community - expanding links with artists, collectors, museum professionals and interested organizations to enhance its collections, exhibitions and education activities - achieving a position of leadership in the promotion of art education in Hong Kong 1. Assess the museum's impact upon you - is it boring or interesting, if it is boring, why? What could have made it more interesting? If it is interesting, what aspects do you find interesting, and why? What is the museum's strengths and weaknesses? 2. What is the main theme and focus of the museum? 3. What, if anything, does the museum tell you about Hong Kong and its history? 4. What does the museum omit? 5. How do you think the museum reflects Hong Kong's historical and current political status? 6. How does the museum of your choice deal with controversial topics and events? 7. How do the objects in the museum communicate their point? 8. How is space is used? Does the
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