The Universe Needs No Explanation. Discuss (10 Marks)

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‘The universe needs no explanation.’ Discuss. (10 marks) Christian philosopher St Thomas Aquinas would have disagreed with this statement as he was the one that put the cosmological argument forward which questions the universe and how it came into existence. Aquinas would have maintained his view as he believes that everything that is in motion has been caused by something else and he believes that this something else is God. He also claims that God is the first cause as he is the one that caused the universe to come into existence and continues to keep it in motion. He would continue to disagree with this statement because he claimed that because everything in the universe is contingent, it must mean that the universe as a whole must have a cause behind it. Philosopher Gottfried Leibniz would have disagreed with this statement as his key idea was the principle of sufficient reason. His argument was that even if the universe had always been in existence it would still require an explanation, or a sufficient reason. He believed that we need to establish why there is something rather than nothing and to do this, we need to question why the universe exists and look outside the universe as there is nothing within the universe that tells us why it exists. The heart of Leibniz’s argument was that there must be a cause for the whole which explains the whole. Frederick Copleston would have disagreed with this statement because he believed that there has to be a necessary being which explains the contingent beings and this necessary being should contain within itself the reason for its own existence. Copleston would go on to say that this necessary being is God and God is therefore the explanation of the universe and how it came into existence. Hume would have agreed with this statement because he questioned the idea that everything has a cause. He claimed that
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