The Truth About Truth

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Whether we realize it or not, truth surrounds us day in and day out. It affects each of us in different ways. Some people spend their whole lives searching for truth, whether it’s the truth about our history, the present day, future, or even afterlife. Day by day scientists are pulling their hair out in search of truth in our physical world. Similarly, Supreme Court judges are seeking truth through evidence to ensure the correct verdict is made on an accused murderer. The fact is that we rely on truth in our everyday lives. Some people strive to defy truth, and on the other hand others just accept it as it exists. All of this truth surrounding our lives brings up an interesting question; what really is truth? I realize that question is quite broad, but I will attempt to break down the idea of truth, what it stands for, and how we benefit from it in the following paragraphs. Furthermore, in order to break down truth we must first understand what purpose it serves to us. Truth is essential to our lives because it is the basis of knowledge, belief, and communication. Truth is most commonly known as knowledge. It is simple universal facts that we know in our everyday living. Renato Rosaldo says it himself in his essay about cultural analysis, quoting; “Truth is objectivism- absolute, universal, and timeless…” (Rosaldo 600). Universal facts can categorize as anything that’s self-evident, such as the fact that bananas are yellow. No one can argue against that, people might be able to form outside opinions about it, but you can’t argue against facts such as these. In the same context, truth is objective. Something that is objective is not influenced by inner feelings, prejudice, or interpretations that one may possess. For example, picture any bed. We all know that a bed is a piece of furniture used for the purpose of sleeping. When people picture a
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