The Trickster's Fate

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The Trickster-Fate Like an essay can never be full-scored, like a diamond can never be flawless, and like a person can never be perfect, Michael Henchard, the main character of the novel The Mayor of Casterbridge, is viewed guilty for many things he does. Some may say his personality and decisions cause the tragic ending of Michael Henchard, but actually the novel shows us that Michael Henchard is not completely responsible for those mistakes, and he shouldn’t be judged as guilty. Fate is like a trickster, who affluences Michael Henchard strongly and causes his mistakes. Michael Henchard does make many mistakes, but bad timing and bad luck actually cause those problems most of the time. For example, he lies to Elizabeth which makes Elizabeth extremely upset and says “But how can I when I know you have deceived me so-so bitterly deceived me!”(Hardy 299). Elizabeth accuses Henchard for deceiving her, because she wrongly thinks Michael Henchard deceives her on purpose. Further, Does Michael Henchard purposefully deceives her? Michael Henchard doesn’t even know the truth either before he deceives Elizabeth-Jane. In fact, deceiving Elizabeth Jane is a portion of Susan’s will. She tries to hide the truth from Henchard and Elizabeth-Jane and clearly states that the truth shouldn’t be reveled until Elizabeth’s wedding day. Bad luck and bad timing reveals the truth too early. Again, fate tricks Michael Henchard and causes this tragedy. On the other hand, some still may say Michael Henchard sells his wife in the first place which causes all those followings. True, he is responsible for that part, but that was years ago when he was immature. In fact, he tries to correct his mistake throughout these years. Stop drinking and becoming mature are examples of that. Michael Henchard is a man of pride, but imagines what it takes for a man such as him to say:”I’ll do anything, if
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